Arduino Mini USB Adapter
This board converts a USB connection into 5 volt TX and RX that you can connect straight to the Arduino Mini or other microcontrollers, allowing them to talk to the computer. It is based on the FT232RL chip from FTDI (drivers are included with the Arduino software).
Photo of an original Mini USB Adapter
Pinout of the original Mini USB Adapter

Pinout of the revised Mini USB Adapter
Connecting the Arduino Mini and Mini USB Adapter The circuit shown here is the basic setup for an Arduino mini connected to a USB-to-serial converter. You can see power and ground from the USB are run to the rails of the breadboard so it's convenient for the other components on the board. The 0.1uF capacitor from the reset pin is connected to the RTS pin on the mini USB adaptor. This enables auto-reset when the serial port is opened, meaning you don't have to press the reset button every time you upload new code. If it gives you problems, you can remove it, and press reset every time.
Connecting to the Arduino Mini
See the guide to the Arduino Mini for information on connecting the adapter to the Mini.
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